Dinosaur (2000)
This animated movie was released right at the onset of the year 2000. Directed by Eric Leighton and Ralph Zondag, this Walt Disney production was even animated at the Disney Animation studio! A film targeting the kid audience, it revolved around a simple storyline. But the most pleasurable feature of 'Dinosaur' was that it was the first hybrid film based on 3D techniques and live actions! Actually, some parts of the background that were featured in the film were real life locations!
Sindbad: Beyond the veils of the mist (2000)
Directed by Evan Ricks and released by Phaedra or Trimark, this animated movie also hit the screens in 2000. The animation of the movie was done at Pentafour studio. It was a united experimental effort of an American motion picture capturing concern and Pentafour, an animation firm which is based out of India. Although its success was not viral in nature, the technology used in it requires attention. First of all, it was the first specimen of animation import. Secondly, the technique of motion capture was used to give movements to the characters portrayed in the film. To be more specific on this, the actions of the graphics characters were actually performed by real life actors which were then captured by high end software!
Shrek (2001)
A transitional phase in the world of animation movies during 2000 was marked by 'Shriek'. It was directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson, animated at PDI Studio and released at Dreamworks. This movie was from the same maker as that of 'Antz' which was released during the early parts of 1900. But the technology used in this film was much more refined. It projected crowd scenes where the animated characters would gather together on several occasions. Morphing and replicating techniques were used to achieve these results. But what was notable is that the techniques were refined and upgraded. As a consequence, the audience saw that not only the characters in the crowd differed in their facial aesthetics but their actions were sharply in contrast to others!
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