The story revolves around Athena Dizon, a 17-year-old student, and Kenji Delos Reyes, a rebellious teenager who is reputed to be a member of a local school Sindikato gang. They begin a false romance in order to spite Kenji's ex-girlfriend, and Athena thinks everything will be fine. She slowly realises that her life is not as steady, as her relationship with Kenji inevitably transforms into something greater.
Breaking News
Monday, July 28, 2014
She's Dating the Gangster Film 2014 one of the hottest Movie
The story revolves around Athena Dizon, a 17-year-old student, and Kenji Delos Reyes, a rebellious teenager who is reputed to be a member of a local school Sindikato gang. They begin a false romance in order to spite Kenji's ex-girlfriend, and Athena thinks everything will be fine. She slowly realises that her life is not as steady, as her relationship with Kenji inevitably transforms into something greater.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Paolo Bediones Leaked Video and Pic gone Viral on Web
"We accord our representatives and abilities all appreciation that are expected them for their protection and individual activity or choice.
"We dislike unequivocally the malevolent and wanton distribution of the feature, a demonstration that plainly abuses applicable cybercrime laws.
"We solidly express our backing for our stay Paolo Bediones despite a discussion that speaks to simply an endeavor to spread his notoriety."
Bediones' name was an inclining theme on Twitter on Saturday in light of the spread of a sex feature supposedly offering him and an unidentified lady.
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